
Posts Tagged ‘Women in business’

I am delighted to say I am writing you from Ireland- returning here is a dream that has come true for me! I am spending a year living between Dublin, Ireland and London, England. This was a dream that I held very close to my heart for many years. My journey here has taught me many lessons including; that jumping off the cliff without water, as I moved towards my dream, can be very risky, yet if I do not make a jump- I stay still. I also learned that when I have clear intention and dedication to this intention- anything is possible. I believe we all need to have updated visions or dreams as this is what motivates and guides me to create the new. Do you have a dream? What now needs to happen for you to be living it?

I would like to know. I ask because this is the question I asked myself when I realized I had reached many of my dreams and stopped dreaming. Often lethargy, a lack of peace and excitement for life are symptoms that show up when we stop dreaming.  The world is in a state of transformation. Old systems are falling away-violence and disharmony abound. This is more the reason for us to hold a vision or a dream and move towards making it real. Light and dark are forces that have always been on earth- for eternity. It is now time – more than ever to move towards your dream!
I am here to support you – take a look at how I can help.

Join me for a One- Time Guidance Session where we will explore how to get you to create what is next for you in your life. In this session we will:

  • use intuitive guidance, yours and mine to create what is next for you in life and or business
  • work with high level visioning and energetic alignment work
  • do block clearing
  • create support steps and follow up strategies to root the new vision or dream

1½ hour session- $299.00 (through August 15th).

Are you in?  Your dream may not be as far away as you think.
Join me by hitting this link:

Sign Up For A Session

What’s New? July Updates and Offers:

Interested in growing Your Business?
Contact me directly- Maureen@MaureenSimon.com
Let’s custom design a plan to meet your needs.
For Information on How I work with you to grow your business take a look:

Check Out Our Blog –
How to Ignite Your Dream (or find one if you don’t have one to ignite)?

A Featured Voice on The Huffington Post 
I will be writing for the Huffington Post this summer.  Stay tuned for the link to my blog and meet me there.

Our New Podcast –
We will be launching our podcast later this autumn- “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”. The podcast will highlight the lives of women worldwide as they share information about their work, lives, the land they live on and the things are most important to them. Interviews are taking place now with women from Ireland and England. Stay tuned for the link this fall!

Remember to listen closely for what is next and do make a move towards you dreams!

Happy Summer.


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Ready to Take the Plunge?

I believe now more than ever before in the history of planet earth that we are all being asked to:

v  Know and live with the exact purpose that we are here to live- in the forefront of our day and in the way we prioritize our time use.

v  Realize that we are the caption of our own ship. We by our beliefs and actions, each day, guide the outcome of our life.

v  Life is wonderful when we find out where we need to wake up ( form old habits, limiting beliefs and all else that keeps us small) and when we begin to bust through all limitations and fully show up as the amazing being we truly are.

I now see precisely where I have held myself back and I now know just how clear my day to day intentions need to be. It has become clear to me in my own life that the clearer I am about my intentions the more powerful the outcomes are.  I guess by now the sounds obvious since so many world teachers are focusing on the power of intention.  The trutIMG_2513h of the matter is that it needs to become an integrated part of our daily practice or these are just senseless words. And the real truth is that a new portal of possibility has opened and your fully showing up is not just a nice thing – it is essential for us to turn spaceship earth around from the nose dive it seems to be facing.

We now each need to understand what the bigger picture of our life holds.  What is the meaning we are here to express, or live or create?  True magic in life arises when we line up this bigger picture with our daily choices.  The bigger picture serves as a litmus test in which we can begin to measure if our life is in alignment or not.

For many years, I’ve been discussing the idea that each of us has a higher purpose or meaning.  It is the responsibility of each of us to discover our own higher purpose.  A few questions that you may want to ask yourself might include:

·         How can I allow more good into my life?

·         What brings me pure joy?

·         What is deeply meaningful for me?

·         What is the best way for me to develop a life that allows me to live my purpose or meaning for being here now- today?

·         What is the best way for me to create quiet time or time for introspection so that I can find the true answer to this question?

It’s funny- I was just thinking how fast time moves by…like a swift moving river. As I speak with women today on a regular basis I hear the comment that life moves so fast.  For this very reason it is essential that we create time to answer these very important questions.  Once we do, our quality of life becomes far richer and more meaningful.

Maureen Simon

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Sometimes we slip into playing and living in a much smaller and safer way than we are really here and capable of living. The key to moving beyond this place is to get conscious and to begin to really live the life we most desire. For many of us this desire may feel distant or faraway or perhaps we have been there but lost our way and need to regroup. We often get cues or hints in or daily life that gets us thinking – am I happy , is this life really working for me? Some of us freeze like Bambi in headlights when we hear these messages and stay small- as change can be uncertain and staying where we are seems safer.  Some of us reach overwhelm and question our whole life, its meaning and purpose.  We all get a moment of pause that allows us to question how we are really living life.


When we are being called forward to live more consciously we usually:

Ø  Get a niggling feeling that something is not right…that we are not fulfilled

Ø  Experience a reoccurring sense that there is more to life than the way I am now living.

Ø  Or get another sign in a way we are used to receiving information

Always listen to these cues because they provide invaluable opportunities and subtle openings for change and lasting success.

Recently I realized that I had a lot on my plate and that my priorities and my ability to accomplish what I needed to accomplish while still loving my life was becoming a challenge. I had one of those niggling feeling that something was not right. I had to stop- slow down – listen – take the bull by the horns and reprioritize my days based on what I truly desired most- that aligned with what I value most.

So where does getting VERY clear on our desires enter into the picture?

What we desire is central to designing a life of success and meaning. When you understand your deepest desire (and have tested it to see if it is linked with your highest reason for being here -your destiny) your life will take on a new rich meaning- fulfillment will be central to your every day. You then know that you are on the path to a life well lived.

Let’s get practical here is the roadmap I have used to anchor my deepest desires and values in my day and to measure- daily- how I am doing:

Ø  First be clear about your dream– what do you really want to accomplish (be it in your life or a given month- the art here is clarity about what you want!

Ø  Next, take small measurable steps to build more of this dream into your day (find a teacher or mentor who has already accomplished it, research about it – to build understanding. Do whatever you can to make it real.

Ø  See yourself already there- picture yourself living or accomplishing this great desire ( it really helps to take the distance and blocks away). As you become more comfortable and familiar with the desire it slowly becomes apart of your world.

Ø  Notice coincidences and synchronicities….these are gold dust. Every day here are signs, messages and intuitive knowledge available to us. We must be proactive and invite this wisdom in and use it.

Ø  Close each day with a review of what was wonderful about the day and aligned your day actually was with your greatest desires and values. We are living in an era where great consciousness is needed. Be very conscious and very intentional.

These days that we are living in are absolutely amazing. We have many choices available to us each day. Live life fully. It is your choice.

Let me know if I can be of help. I am committed to your success- your success from the inside out!


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You are a human magnet and you are constantly attracting to you people whose characters harmonize with your own.” – Napoleon Hill

Empowered, successful, alive women create their lives from their imagination. They attract the exact right people and the exact right experiences at the right time.  As we women move into positions of greater success and influence we learn that within our imagination we hold the power to recreate our lives and manifest far more than we believe– on a day-to-day basis. The art of manifesting success includes one’s ability to clearly define a desired outcome or way of being and to believe and work towards this way of being and living daily.  Setting clear intention(s) is the first step in designing the life that you desire.

(A group of us are coming together to do an intentional setting Master Mind February 27 through March 20th –take a look and join us if this appeals to you) Find out more about my Mini Mastermind here!

Never be afraid to think big and design your new reality to include things that both feel good and provide you with opportunities for growth.  It is time for us women to live and lead lives that are creative and hold influence and success. We often beaver away in our own world, viewing life through a small and limited lens.  Now’s the time to expand our visions and to begin to see the world in a whole new way! Ready?

Join me for our new Mini Master Mind on February 27th.

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