In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.

When we believe passionately in something that still does not exist, we have already begun to create it because we believe in it. Belief in something is the seed of all change.

The non-existent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.


As we enter the new year what – that which you really want in your life – up to now – that has not yet manifested-has not sufficiently desired?

The state of our world is a sign that you are needed now more than ever before.

Go for your greatest dreams and never look back.

Unless you feed your dreams with passion, they will remain a non-reality.  Dream big, intend strongly and sufficiently to fuel your greatest desires with passion. Then step back and be patient, anything can become a reality.

Happy New Year and remember to go for it!

Maureen Simon

Influence is a state of being.  When we are living with our influence fully expressed doors open, life becomes easier and we make a difference. We need to develop clear communication skills to express what we need and to make ourselves heard. Power, voice and influence are all directly connected.  Power is the ability, strength, and capacity to do something.    Influence is the effect of something on a person, thing, or event or the power that somebody has to affect other people’s thinking or actions by means of argument, example, or force of personality. Voice is the necessary vehicle to express what needs to change- be different or developed. When we believe we have the power to create change influence is a direct outcome.

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It’s important for us to understand what we value in order to make a decision on where we want to place our attention in the world.  Power is the energy behind influence and can be found in four specific realms:  the spiritual, the intellectual, the emotional and the physical.  Have you ever thought about the source of your power?  Have you ever asked yourself where you place the majority of your power and influence?

Women have a great ability to influence the direction in which the world is moving but we must first understand our powerful and unique world view and value the strength and contribution of our voice.  Voice is the medium or expression for power and influence.  In my work with women, two of the greatest areas I have focused on over the years are clear expression of voice and the right use of will or influence.  We need clarity and confidence to express our values through our voice.

·         Where in your life do you need to create influence in the New Year?

·         What power or skills do you need to develop to do so?

·         Is your voice clear and strong enough to support the change you want to make? If not, where do you need to strengthen it?

Enter the new year awake and ready to make change. You have it in you!

Maureen Simon

“Power comes from a higher sense of meaning. When you line up the higher a sense of meaning, the power starts to flow.”


When we create our business and our life from a sense that we are lining up our actions in service to something of value- and for something greater than ourselves we create a sense of power within ourselves. We also become more attractive which draws people and experiences to us.  In order for us to create lives and businesses that make a contribution and bring happiness to our own lives we must be clear about our mission, our offer, and our desired outcome. Power comes from this clarity. As we approach 2017 get clear on:

~do you have a sense of power in your life?

~what needs to be different for you to claim your power more fully?

~are you clear about why you are here on planet earth?

Power begins with clarity. Show up and live fully expressing yours.

Maureen Simon

“The ability to endure is probably the most important ingredient in realizing personal success, in business as well as in other areas of our lives.  All too often, we resolve to exercise regularly, lose weight, spend more time with our family and eat more nutritiously.  But all too often that commitment is forgotten, because over the long haul we fail to demonstrate the endurance needed to reach our goal…”

John Marks Templeton, “Discovering the Laws of Life”


What we do must be important to us. We must have personal buy in or the things we say we want to accomplish –simply will not be accomplish, especially in times of challenge.  Once we know what we honestly value from deep inner reflection- the act of achieving it becomes truly possible. It is with ourselves that we must be honest. We are now well into the New Year –time to get real!  Notice what you have committed to in your life- are you living it? If not start today!

What we truly value and what we are committed to naturally shows up in our life- often without struggle- and with ease. The old saying holds true in this case- “where we place our attention/intention – energy follows”.  Also remember endurance, diligence and having a focused commitment are all key to successful manifesting. Many stop dreaming, wishing or creating when they hit a wall. Actually this is a time when many new answers, solutions and new directions reveal themselves – if we are open and listen.

So let’s get started. Answer the below questions and see how ready you are to manifest something great:

  • What is it that you want to create/manifest?
  • Are you ready to call this intention/manifestation in daily for 3 months? (In your prayers, verbally stating it in a ritual or any way that suits you).
  • Can you create small steps or actions to make it real?
  • When wobbly or in doubt- or strong and invigorated- can you stay diligent with endurance? (hint: there may be many tests along the way- stay strong the rewards may be huge)!
  • Check in regularly to see if you are truly committed…update the creation you envision as needed but stay true to its creation.
  • Do not be a lone cowgirl- get support. When we help each other much more gets created.
  • To regular and new readers:

You may remember when we were winding down 2016 together-and we started to look towards 2017? Many of us stated a clear doable intention for this year. Well we are now here…how is it going? I would love to hear. If you were not with us then – start now and let me know what yours is. I am happy to be your witness.


Maureen Simon

To The Sky

To the sky:

maureen-picsmay we be wise enough to welcome her light with gratitude and kind enough to share it.

~Maureen Simon



“True success is always accompanied by peace of mind.”
-Catherine Ponder
As long as you express fear, resentment, criticism and other negative emotions—which result in a lack of peace—it is not possible to attain very much in life.  The act of blessing brings peace within and without.  You can be a peacemaker to any situation by blessing it, rather than condemning it.  So bless pain, financial problems, trouble-some personalities, or worrisome conditions with the thought, “Peace. Be still.”
-Catherine Ponder
On this day of great significance- the completion of the 2 year US presidential campaign -people in the States and in the world feel great concern.  We have before us uncertainty- on the scale that most of us have not yet experienced.
Take a look at how you are living your life today.  Does your life express fear and criticism or trust, promise, and hope?  When we create our life from a place of peace rooted deep within—the world senses this.  We form an immediate attraction which draws people and experiences to us. Many are challenged to feel peace today– but it is still available to us.
It is important for us to be clear about our personal mission and to stay on task. Hold to our mission and to show up fully in your life in the ways you can make your greatest contribution. Only through clarity can we reach satisfaction in our life.  Peace is cultivated by conscious living and conscious decisions.  Even in the hardest times.
Women have a natural ability to lead when things are toughest. We are needed now more than ever. We are most comfortable creating environments of harmony and are often ones to create harmony and peace in our work environments and in life.  In no other time in history has it been as crucial for women to show up for what we value most- this will be different for each one of us. It is time for us to guide and lead and to live lives that reflect our very important core values and the powerful gifts of the feminine.
In these times of uncertainty be sure to find the peace with in.
Maureen Simon

More so than ever before in the last fifty years, uncertainty is a part of everyday life. We are living today in a time when world upheaval puts pressure on each of us. To flourish in the face of this pressure, it is necessary to step back, take charge and consider what is most important and to put our commitment and life force behind- in other words-  what is most important to us.


An important question to ask is:

“What do I want to have come from the upheaval that the world is in right now?”

Since we know that change is ever present we need to become a part of the change that we want to see in the world as Gandhi suggested.

Doubt comes when we hold conflicting desires so it is particularly important to become very clear of our purpose and what we most value. Knowing our purpose and holding to it steadfastly allows the things that we need to come towards us.  This is a basic principal of alignment. When we understanding our purpose and values, we can be confident in the face of the world’s uncertainty. If our purpose is aligned with hope and the highest possible good, we are unstoppable and we cannot fail.

Two things that I personally value and are central to my life are:

·         Stillness daily – so I can listen to what is most important and move out into the world with more calmness and a clearer sense for what I am meant to put my attention on

·         My life long conviction to equalizing the opportunities and resources in this world so all have access to basic needs-– health and prosperity. I believe we will all benefit when this conviction of mine is realized in the world.

What are you most committed to in our uncertain world? Don’t buy into uncertainty – create certainty!

Maureen Simon

This article was recently published to the Huffington Post. Click here to see it.

I am delighted to say I am writing you from Ireland- returning here is a dream that has come true for me! I am spending a year living between Dublin, Ireland and London, England. This was a dream that I held very close to my heart for many years. My journey here has taught me many lessons including; that jumping off the cliff without water, as I moved towards my dream, can be very risky, yet if I do not make a jump- I stay still. I also learned that when I have clear intention and dedication to this intention- anything is possible. I believe we all need to have updated visions or dreams as this is what motivates and guides me to create the new. Do you have a dream? What now needs to happen for you to be living it?

I would like to know. I ask because this is the question I asked myself when I realized I had reached many of my dreams and stopped dreaming. Often lethargy, a lack of peace and excitement for life are symptoms that show up when we stop dreaming.  The world is in a state of transformation. Old systems are falling away-violence and disharmony abound. This is more the reason for us to hold a vision or a dream and move towards making it real. Light and dark are forces that have always been on earth- for eternity. It is now time – more than ever to move towards your dream!
I am here to support you – take a look at how I can help.

Join me for a One- Time Guidance Session where we will explore how to get you to create what is next for you in your life. In this session we will:

  • use intuitive guidance, yours and mine to create what is next for you in life and or business
  • work with high level visioning and energetic alignment work
  • do block clearing
  • create support steps and follow up strategies to root the new vision or dream

1½ hour session- $299.00 (through August 15th).

Are you in?  Your dream may not be as far away as you think.
Join me by hitting this link:

Sign Up For A Session

What’s New? July Updates and Offers:

Interested in growing Your Business?
Contact me directly- Maureen@MaureenSimon.com
Let’s custom design a plan to meet your needs.
For Information on How I work with you to grow your business take a look:

Check Out Our Blog –
How to Ignite Your Dream (or find one if you don’t have one to ignite)?

A Featured Voice on The Huffington Post 
I will be writing for the Huffington Post this summer.  Stay tuned for the link to my blog and meet me there.

Our New Podcast –
We will be launching our podcast later this autumn- “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”. The podcast will highlight the lives of women worldwide as they share information about their work, lives, the land they live on and the things are most important to them. Interviews are taking place now with women from Ireland and England. Stay tuned for the link this fall!

Remember to listen closely for what is next and do make a move towards you dreams!

Happy Summer.


After taking time off to regroup this past year I personally needed to check in with myself so I could kick start my life and evaluate what would be next for me. I would like to invite you to consider some of the questions I pondered when reflecting on what was next in my life:


  • Is there a place you lack courage when you think about living your dreams?
  • What stops you from moving forward?
  • Are you getting niggling ideas or thoughts that you are putting to the side- not paying attention to?
  • What risks do you need to take now to grow and to move towards your dreams?
  • How can you now manifest the things you visualize and dream?
  • Day by day what are the first steps you need to take?
  • Dreams are a way to call us forward to live more consciously.

Are you getting any of these signs? If So, Listen Up!

A niggling feeling that something is not right…that we are not fulfilled

 Experiencing a reoccurring sense that there is more to life than the way I am now living.

 Or are you receiving information telling you to move on or make a change now!

 Always listen to these cues because they provide invaluable information and opportunities to move you towards your greatest dreams. Do not be afraid. The rewards of living in alignment with why you are here can be unbeatable and can lead to a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment beyond description!

Maureen Simon